About me

Hi there! I’m Noelia. I started Estilistas in 2013 to help make shopping online easier. As it grew, I began to realise that it’s not just the huge range of clothes that’s the problem; few people really know what to buy and how to wear it.
It’s so important to have reliable advice so that we can make conscientious decisions – for better style, a better bank balance and a healthier planet.
I'm a firm believer in personal style and I want to help everyone dress in whatever makes them—you—feel the most comfortable, confident and empowered.
I enjoy giving every one of my clients a gentle (and occasionally not-so-gentle!) nudge of reassurance to rediscover your style and explore it, have fun with it and dress to feel amazing in the skin you're in.
Having worked in fashion for almost 20 years, styling celebrities, models, actors and hundreds of clients, I've come to realise how important it is that we change how we buy clothes.
Conscious Style is Sustainable
Fast fashion is rightly becoming a dirty word. Where once we'd revel in the haul of clothes, shoes and accessories we could acquire each month, we're now realising the horrible toll that such habits are taking on our planet and the people who live on it.
The fashion industry is turning, but slowly, still pressing forward with hundreds of lines—and thousands of products—every season, which means it can still be a tough job to find items that align with your style and shop sustainably to boot.
My mission with Estilistas has evolved into something even more meaningful: to make finding the right clothes—for you and our planet—easier than ever.
Style Education
I want to teach you how to take charge of your style. I will never limit your options to just a few brands or stores, or only promote brands that sponsor me, or try to sell you items I got in an out-of-season stock clearance sale.
It’s hard, but I really enjoy scouring the market and searching across the full range of brands and stores to find the perfect items for you. And when I share what I’ve found, I also share tips on how to cut through the noise and so you can continue your journey, finding just what’s right for you every time.
And more!
Estilistas is also a growing community of over 4,000 stylish people just like you who want to live and dress sustainably, so I’ve got some exciting things in the works to make this even easier to do.
If we haven’t worked together yet, I’m genuinely looking forward to getting to know you. If we’ve worked together before, I hope you’ll choose Estilistas again for your fashion needs.
Check out my services →