The Haven Project

13 June 2014


Imagine two strangers rootling around your room - in your drawers, touching your clothes, and taking photographs. Now imagine those two strangers sit you down on your bed and film you while you talk about your room, your possessions and whether you are a feminist or not.   Does it sound nightmarish? Probably. But I hope I can change your mind!

The Haven Project is an ongoing photographic piece undertaken by me, Louisa Rogers and my fantastic styling partner Ana Maria Williams. It was born both out of  a fascination with the teen bedroom as a space of self exploration and actualisation, and our natural curiosity to explore the environments of young girls like us.

We seek our girls who are doing amazing things, via social media and our own acquaintances, and ask if they’d like to participate. We meet them, and photograph all the quirky and interesting things we find in their rooms, and often film a few minutes of interview footage as well, just so we can get a good feel or what the girls are really like.

When we’re done we’ll upload the images onto our tumblr so that other people can have a precious peek into what normally remains private! We have our own politics that we like to uphold: we are atheists, feminists and liberal in our views, but we feel that the more diverse the girls we shoot are, the more enriching the project becomes.

From photographers who live on houseboats to fashion designers in Hoxton, we want to photograph it all and meet the interesting characters behind the rooms.   We travel around London documenting our fantastic subjects and we hope to expand our travels further into the UK over the next year!

To see more pictures check The Haven Project

If you have anyone you’d like to nominate as a Haven Girl, contact us on