Interview to Mademoiselle Robot

1 March 2014

If you have big dreams to get your fashion blog somewhere, then you should take tips from the best bloggers out there.

Being featured in some of the top fashion magazines like Vogue, Grazia or Elle Girl, we feel very honoured and happy to interview our favourite fashion expert and blogger, Laetitia Wajnapel aka Mademoiselle Robot to get an insight into what inspires her, her future plans and which city she thinks is the best for fashion.

Estilistas: Mademoiselle Robot is a peculiar name for a fashion blog, how did you come up with it?

Laetitia: It is a name I came up with when I used to DJ in bars and clubs in Paris and then later, it became my "internet name". So when I started the blog (which wasn't about fashion at the beginning) I thought I'd just carry on using the name!

E: As a journalist, what made you decide to start blogging about fashion?

L: I was a video games journalist when I first started writing, and I studied Film Theory... I am not sure how I ended up writing about fashion. When I first started the blog, it was mostly about my day to day life, diary style, with a bit of pop culture thrown in. Then I started documenting what I was wearing, sharing wishlists containing fashion items and then I guess little by little fashion took over. These days, I'd say it is 60% fashion and 40% lifestyle, which is a great balance for me.

E: What will be your advice to someone starting a fashion blog?

L: Do it because you need an outlet, because you need to write, share and create a beautiful place to call your own. Don't do it if you have an agenda, don't do it for the freebies!

E: What inspires you?

L: Everything, all of the time!

E: What would you say is the weirdest person or thing that you’ve thought “oh that is actually very stylish”?

L: You know what, I think the one time I thought "oh I've been in this industry too long" is when I saw my friend's dog (a lovely staffie named Bob) wearing a beige turtleneck and thought "oooh turtlenecks are so stylish". I love dogs (and all animals) so I sort of wish I could always be inspired by them!

E: We know you are originally from Paris, but we have to ask, what is your favourite fashion city and why?

L: London! I love the little eccentricities here and the sartorial freedom.

E: What are your favourite and least favourite things about fashion and blogging?

L: I like the freedom that blogging gives me and also the variety of things I get to experience and work on thanks to it. I don't like the obvious about the fashion industry: sizeism, ageism and all the other annoying cliché "isms" that go with the territory. However, I must say most the people I've met in the industry were lovely!

E: What item of clothing do you think it’s absolutely necessary to invest good money in? And what can you get away with paying less for?

L: Shoes and bags should be investments as there is no size issue. Whether you gain or lose weight you will still be able to wear them. Coats are also good items to invest in as in the Winter, they are basically the only thing people will see from your outfit. The thing I don't spend much on I think is jeans! I find some great ones on the high-street.

E: There’s a giant sea monster attacking the city and you’ve gotta run away in a hurry. Which three items of clothing do you pack?

L: If that happened, I think I would be too busy trying to run while taking photos of said sea monster to think about clothes!

E: What is your favourite trend this Autumn/Winter? How are you wearing it?

L: I love oversized coats, I am wearing mine with trainers, a hat and clutch bag.. Hold on, this makes me sound like I am naked under the coat. Add to this leather trousers and a jumper!

E: What do you say to someone seeking fashion advice?

L: You came to the right place!

E: What is next for Mademoiselle Robot?

L: I am working on a really fun little video show with my friend Emily from Fashion Foie Gras. I am really excited about it! It is called The Robot & Goose Show, you should check it out!

Follow Mademoiselle Robot for a insight into all things fashionable, trendy and interesting!