Describe what you're wearing today and why?
I have to admit, I panicked when I realised my outfit was going to be photographed, and I think I just threw on the most 'coherent' outfit I had available. I'm in love with these ASOS Ka-Ching boots and I've barely taken them off, mainly because they are so comfortable, the furry top was an impulse buy from Select - I gravitate towards weird textures now so I had to have it. My skirt is three-panelled from Monki and a hand-me-down, but I like it because it looks dressy but is actually a super comfy sporty material.
My necklace is a little television set by quirky jewellers Me & Zena, and I was right in the middle of writing my dissertation when these images were taken, so I think I was inspired by how much I was writing about television culture!
How would you describe your style in 3 words?
Colourful Cat Lady.
Who or what inspires you?
My mother inspired me so much in terms of dress-sense, as the years go on and I am slowly accepting my future as a mini-her, I'm dressing more and more like her. She always dresses in clothes that make her feel comfortable physically but never look slob-y. She always makes a statement even wearing a very simple outfit, and she has zero concern for what other people think of her outfits. I'm also inspired by all the amazing clothes that pop up on my Tumblr dashboard purely by chance, and pop stars like Sky Ferreira and Gwen Stefani.

What is your body shape and how do you dress accordingly?
I have quite a strange body shape in that I am quite slim but I have very broad shoulders (38 inches across, I can borrow my man-friend's blazers!) and small boobs (A Cup), and yes, finding a bra that fits is utterly impossible. Because I'm not curvy I like to wear high waisted jeans with crop tops to give the illusion of an hourglass figure, and I tend to avoid strapless dresses as they make my shoulders look even more 'welsh rugby star' than usual - but if I find a one-off piece that is strapless I will wear it happily without worrying about my shoulders screaming 'I ingest creatine and play copious amounts of contact sports.'
Fashion faux pas?
Just scroll through the photo album of any mid-range nightclub in a student town in the Midlands and you'll get the idea. Basically anything that anyone would wear to a club night that promotes £1 shots of Sourz and casual misogyny disguised as fancy dress.
One thing you used to wear but now you can’t stand?
Honestly I used to dress like what I outlined above, but to school. I think teenage girls go through a phase of dressing in what they think teenage boys want them to wear (tube skirts and platform heels, didn't you know) but they eventually discover that boys sort of dig the 'no figs given' acid granny look when you have the confidence to unapologetically be yourself.
One thing you never thought you would wear?
Birkenstocks. But the furry Celines got me thinking. And then I happened to slip into my mother's pair and realised how comfy they were. I had to take back everything I ever said about how only blind geologists would don a pair.
One Spring trend you are looking forward to wearing?
Prints - but not necessarily florals. I liked how Valentino moved away from the usual floaty ethereal spring stereotype and went for quite rich and stylised patterns that referenced italian heritage culture.