The London Sinner

15 October 2013

Straight from the palate to the web - unfiltered. Cheeky, funny and scintillating. We interview Elsa Messi from The London Sinner ( ) to get a closer look at one of our favourite food experts and sinners.

To eat well in London, does it have to be expensive?‬

Not at all. Quality of food isn't about the price tag. You'll find some of the best food are cheap eats. For example authentic Vietnamese on Kingsland Road , gourmet street food, a mean bowl of premium ramen from Bone Daddies or Tonkotsu or a hip new diner. You can even go to cool supperclubs where you bring your own booze. In fact a lot popular restaurants in Shoreditch, Brixton or Soho can leave you satisfied and rolling home for under £15. Fine dining restaurants always have great lunch offers or set menus too.

Do you cook? If so, how do you take the criticism of your guests?‬ 

I do cook and I love it. I like cooking for others more than myself (I cooked for nine people once). I can say with no ego that my specialities are my mushroom risotto, spicy chicken enchiladas, very hot jerk chicken and my green thai curry. I kinda suck at cooking fish though.

Healthy food vs tasty food?‬

Tasty all the way.

If you will have to choose an event what will you go to: one with free drinks, free burgers or free desserts?‬

Free drinks (white wine, molecular cocktails or prosecco to be specific)

Who would you love to take on a dinner date?‬

Anyone who appreciates food as much as I do (without pretence) and who'll make me burst into fits of laughter.

Have you had any fun/embarrassing experiences when a date tries to order for you or takes you to a crappy restaurant?‬ 

Yes, I've had someone try to order for me years ago. Due to my (polite) directness... he failed miserably.

Do you ever have weird dreams about food?‬ 

Not that I can remember. I probably talk about food so much that my brain blocks it out whilst I'm asleep. Now that you've asked me, I bet I'll have a weird food dream tonight.

Any tips to enjoy food without adding extra holes on our belts?‬
No. I'm surprised I don't have extra holes on my belt considering my fat man's diet. But I'd suggest to Google it.

And the obvious question, what is your favourite sin?

GLUTTONY (and ahem....lust)

Follow Elsa Messi and her hungry editors in the London sinner to find out great deals, amazing eating experiences and how to make the most of the sinner inside you.