The New Heels

3 October 2014

Inspired by my ridiculous good luck this morning when I strolled into my local Oxfam shop to stumble across a pair of almost new geometric Prada T-bars for a measly £7, I decided to have a look at ‘The New Heels’ we are seeing more and more of in the fashion world.

Whilst trends come and go, we are seeing a specifically wide array of heels sizes and shapes this season.

  1. The Flare

Sort of retro but too avant garde to be fusty, the flared heel is back in a big way. Also see totally cylindrical heels, and heels with bulging middles for an equally quirky look.


  1. Thin Chunky

This may be a contradiction in terms, but I couldn’t think of a better way to describe the current trend for thin but rectangular chunky heels on shoes, especially boots. This lengthened shape means this style is comfier to wear than stilettos but still maintains a thinner and sexier silhouette than clunky footwear.



  1. Socks Included

My personal fave off the catwalk, purely because they are so bad taste, are the Gucci shoe-boots. Not a new concept, but rarely has such a quirky trend been made to look so luxurious and hideously fantastical. The loafer style shoe detailing is attached to a skintight boot - for the fashion bravers only!



  1. Blinged Up Backs

It seems as though fashion designers are finally capitalising on the heel as a place for embellishment and decoration, and nowhere was this more obvious than DSquared. A simple way to spice up any outfit, I guarantee this will be a cost effective way to always have a party outfit ready!