Forget magic diets, there is only one key to get your "bikini body"

27 May 2014

"Get your bikini body ready in 7 days!", "The miraculous diet to shape up for summer", "The secret of Kate Upton's fabulous body revealed by her trainer"...

I don't know about you, but I can't help but roll my eyes when I read headlines like these - and they seem to multiply the closer we get to the much desired summer.

The truth is, it's headlines like this that will make any fairly confident woman doubt their skill to get into a bikini and expose their body to the world. As the average citizen of this frivolous and image-obsessed world, I have also been victim of these "magic diets" and I've tried following the advice of those merciless celebrity fitness gurus who have those swear in the name of some unpronounceable food substitutes and zero-fat meals.

The biggest key is to overcome your insecurities. Realise that nothing comes from no effort, after all I am sure even the glorious Gisele Bundchen has her own self-confidence issues. No one will ever have "the perfect body" - or at least not for very long - because we couldn't be more imperfect... and that is the beauty of us all.

Beside this essential key, here are few more steps to start a healthy path for a fit body and mind.

  1. Eat meals full of colour: lots of vegetables, proteins, fruits. Avoid items you couldn't make in your kitchen = processed food = lots of bad salts and fats.
  2. Drink plenty of water!
  3. Move your ass. The point is to do something you enjoy, sweat and see how you get addicted to the kick. At the end of the day, your body will be producing so much endorphins that you will forget all your insecurities. Walk/run/bike to work, go to the gym, join Zumba, or even get great tutorials of your choice of exercise from YouTube. No excuses.
I am a big fan of "bad yogi" Erin Motz, a great Yoga teacher who makes it fun and fuss free. Also if you follow her on Facebook or Instagram you will realise why she is a "bad yogi"... she eats lots of carbs and drinks wine! (Oh no!)

So, just get your bikini (watch this space for the best bikinis for your body shape), put it on, get a ticket and go to the beach (oh and don't forget to pray for some sun). Close your eyes and ears to all those silly editors trying to tell you how to look like Gisele. It has been proven that one can enjoy the beach without having the perfect abs or a Victoria's Secret angel backside. Fact.