Personal style - finding inspiration

23 January 2024

Personal style is a muscle and through the years, it changes so it’s important to find the right kind of inspiration to feed our style.

Here are 3 sources of inspiration to look out for:

1. Inner self

Your likes, dislikes, aside from trends, aesthetics, be honest with yourself, what is it that you enjoy wearing? That feels natural and feels you.

Go to your wardrobe and analyse it, especially the clothes you don’t like anymore, what can they say about the way your style has evolved in the past years?

Also you need to realise that everything has a time and a place, and even if you are going through a rut right now of wearing comfortable clothes or a lot of black, this doesn’t necessarily define your style. It happens to all of us, even to fashion people!

Maybe what you need is to fall in love with your wardrobe again, find new ways of wearing those things you have.

2. Online

Duh, this is obvious, but watch out because we are bombarded by information, and instead of helping, it can trigger all sorts of fashion related anxieties.

Social media can be fun and all, but haven't you sometimes felt like crap after spending a few hours scrolling without a purpose? This means that your online inspiration is not giving you what you need. So it's time to curate your social feed. Stick with those influencers/content creators that give you good ideas, they are teaching you stuff, not just pushing you to buy the latest cult item.

Train your algorithm to give you what you need.

3. Offline, the real world!

I find offline influences are so much more effective because you get inspired without really looking to be inspired, if you know what I mean.

Like if you are looking at an exhibition and you love the colours in the painting, how can you translate this piece of art to what you wear?

If you really pay attention you can find inspiration in lots of things around you. Whether is your latest tv crush, your favourite show, a painting hanging in someone’s house, or even the lyrics to your favourite song.⁠

Your personal style is a reflection of who you are, so there is no need to conform to trends or the current aesthetic. Trust your instincts and embrace what truly speaks to you