Plan your outfits in 4 steps for styling success

16 January 2017

...and 15 extra minutes in bed!

  1. If you can, plan the outfits the night before, or if you feel like an overachiever, plan them for all 5 days on Sunday evening. But don't stress, don't forget to actually enjoy your Sunday!
  2. How is the weather going to be? I tend to forget that I live in the UK with its lovely 'arctic winds' and sometimes I just don't layer up properly (check this post in how to do layering by Man Repeller). So checking the weather forecast is a must!
  3. Plan the outfit around one item: that cosy jumper that you just bought or your favourite pair of flats. Thinking about just one item will give you some perspective and can get your inspiration flowing. I try and use an item that I haven't worn in a while, this way I can see if I still like wearing it or it's something that is going on the 'donate' pile.
  4. Lacking inspiration? Find some by spending some time in the amazing worlds of Pinterest and Instagram. I have an album on my phone for all those inspo screenshots that help me put looks together when my inspiration fails!








