REN Flash Rinse 1 minute facial. A miracle come true.

29 October 2014

I love getting facials and manicures (well, all beauty treatments really), but living in such a fast-paced city with a very (very!) tight schedule makes me have to choose between finding a decent beautician–calling, making appointments, commuting, waiting, small talk, more waiting–to using all this time drinking wine and keeping up with The Blacklist.

So, big fan of DIY as I am, when I heard of this REN Flash Rinse 1 Minute Miracle, I had to try it. I mean, 1 minute... come on! What's the trick?

Well, having used it for the past month, I can honestly say, there is no trick. This 1 minute facial is what your face needs to cope with the pollution and stress of a big city.  Thanks to its formula with potent water-activated Vitamin C, when massaging it onto my face and neck all I needed to do was damp my fingers in warm water and massage again to activate the powerful Vitamin C, leave for 1 minute and then rinse well. Personally I prefer doing it with cold water to keep that fresh feeling for longer.

The benefits of Vitamin C on the skin are countless, for example it supports natural collagen synthesis, improving skin elasticity and evening out skin tone.

After following these quick and simple steps my face is glowing and feels extremely clean. I've used it after a crazy night out (it involved more that a bottle of wine and a box set), and my skin suddenly recovered a radiance, firmness and tone that I forgot my face once had. I have also noticed that my little hormone spots dry quickly and disappear within days.

It assures to also work to diminish the appearance of lines and wrinkles, but as with any treatment, I would need to keep using it to see a major improvement. So far, I am extremely happy with the quick result and overall feeling after using it.

This is truly a miracle treatment for busy women in need of some facial love,  and at £32 you can keep that love coming!

Try REN Flash Rinse 1 Minute Facial now, and look fantastic always.