What's hot and what's not!

24 April 2014

We all like to keep up to date with what is classed as 'cool', it seems that now that research has been done for us!

Vapestick, the ultimate E Cigarette compnay, has conducted research into trends and opinions to decipher what the up and coming generartion is now claiming to be 'cool'.


The new route to coolville looks filled with trends that are emerging from subcultures and street style.

The cool list of 2014 includes:

  • Birkenstocks
  • Britpop
  • Baking
  • Socks & Sandals (really...?!)
  • Hybrid food
  • Voga
  • Pheremone Parties
  • Unknown festivals
  • Lupita Nyong'o

It seems that high fashion and main stream celebrities are no longer dictating what is cool, we're doing that ourselves.

However judging by a couple of the points on the cool list, I am sure a few of us would like to be classed as un-cool!